Measuring about 30,000sf of office space, the 5-story office block comes with majority workspaces with ancillary spaces e.g. conference room, gallery space etc.The design team explored the concept of floating boxes which further developed into box-in-box geometry. The higher floors were lifted up supported by a bold V-shape column, to allow for vehicle circulation on the street level. With the neighbouring army camp, many restrictions in building design were imposed. The west facing double layered wall installed with dense louvres not only eliminated direct view to the camp, it also blocked the heat and sunlight to the office spaces in the evening. On this gesture, the Architect managed to kill two birds with one stone.
Other green features included maximising electricity generation from the solar panels, rainwater and grey water harvesting, tinted glass, grasscrete for lowering heat island effect, and bioswales on site for effective storm water drainage etc.